
Giraffe Couture

Thursday, November 11, 2010

11/11 R3PD13

Has this ever happened to you while on the protocol?
OK, so, I expected TOM a week ago.  Got the usual weight gain, but STILL TOM has not arrived.
NO, I could not be pregnant.  For sure.

Today's Weight: 190.4
Yesterday's Weight: 190.6

Difference from Yesterday: -0.2
Difference from LIW: +0.6


  1. I'm no one to ask as I am sans uterus... I hope TOM arrives soon for you!

  2. I'm only on my first round and my TOM arrived right on time.

  3. I have heard of people who lose TOM entirely while on the protocol. Just at the beginning of my first round, so have no personal experience. Maybe your bod thinks you are preggers :D.

  4. Duane would be my husband....thanks hunny

  5. well if my body thinks i'm pregnant, that would explain why i'm SO tired all the time.

  6. I have had a delay of up to a week but had the symptoms on time... its weird. It went away when I was off P2.
