
Giraffe Couture

Friday, December 17, 2010

12/17 -0.8 R4P2D20

TOM is still hangin' around and has overstayed his welcome.

In past years my daughter has asked questions about Santa, but this year I'm being bombarded.  She's 8, almost 9 so I should be happy that she has truly believed up to this point, but I still want to give her hope so I answer her questions as if I don't know all of the answers but I myself still believe.
Here's the most recent conversation:
Graesyn: Is Santa scary?
Me: What do you mean?
Graesyn: Well like, what does he look like?
Me: Well….you know what he looks like.
Graesyn: Well not really. I mean, there are all these people dressed like him, but no one has ever really seen HIM. So how do we really know what he looks like? You know, like Alice In Wonderland…in every picture she has blond hair and a blue dress but no one ever said that is what she really looks like. Maybe she really has brown hair.
Me:???...WELL, we know he has a beard and wears a red suit and has glasses….you know!...from the song…
She was satisfied with that and had no more questions for the rest of the drive home.

Today's Weight: 183.6
Yesterday's Weight: 184.4
Difference from Yesterday: -0.8
Total loss this round: -8.8
Total loss since May 1, 2010: -47.8

1 comment:

  1. 1st - LOVE LOVE the name Graesyn and the way you spell it!

    2nd - I was so right there a few years ago! I never came right out and told her that we are Santa. :( Actually, I STILL haven't told her (she's 11) but she plays right along anyways. She's in Middle School this year so I'm sure the cats out of the bag by now.
